Organic Reach on Facebook will Decline

Organic reach on Facebook decliningFacebook is always refining and introducing new features in an effort to give users a more valuable experience. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always work in businesses favour when it comes to reaching as many people as possible with content.

Facebook Reach is the number of unique people who saw your content. There are different kinds of reach: post, page, organic, viral and paid.

Organic reach is free. It happens in the news feed when your fans see your updates.

Viral reach consists of the people who see your content because someone else created a story about it. For example, if a fan likes, comments or shares your post, their friends will see your post even if they aren’t fans of your page. The same is true if you’ve paid to reach larger audiences who may or may not already be your fans. If one of those targeted people creates a story, their friends will see it as well. Both are viral reach.

EdgeRank is the unofficial term for Facebook’s sorting algorithm. This is what decides what is published in the news feed. It depends on your affinity, your connection with specific people and pages, how you interacted with a specific content type in the past and the ‘weight’ given to posts.

Have you seen a drop in your Facebook performance?

EdgeRank Checker published research on 1 April detailing that organic reach for most Facebook pages currently hovers around 6.5% — down from 17% a mere 24 months ago. Popular consensus is that this is simply the middle of a longer process where organic reach will ultimately decline to right around 1%.

What does this mean? If you want your fans to see important content you need to be very creative with how you present it or pay for this to be seen. We offer in-depth Facebook Training for small to medium-sized businesses that covers how to increase Facebook likes and engagement, legal issues, how to advertise, what makes a great profile and more.