Key Points for Social Media Promo

Follow these 3 Key Points for all your Social Media Promotion

Social media is all about interaction and engagement with your audience. In order to have engaged fans that you don't overwhelm with sales pitches in every post, you need to focus on the three following key aspects:

michael kors stunning imagery on facebook
  1. Visual Storytelling: put time and effort into crafting your brand story on social media. The most effectively way to tell that story online is through visuals. Michael Kors employs stunning visuals as seen here. Dior uses well-crafted videos with strategically chosen locations such as the Château de Versailles, emblem of Dior's tradition, which bought to life the Dior Fall 2013 collection. Christian Dior Video on Facebook. 
    Likeable Media provided these statistics: Photos make up 93% of the most engaging content on Facebook; they get 53% more likes, 104% more comments and 84% more click-throughs on links than text-based posts.  Tweets with image links get 2X the engagement rate of those without. It's vital to consider how to make compelling, visual content that doesn't look like an advertisement, in other words, content that consumers want to share.
  2. A Balanced Approach: It’s far too easy for fashion companies to fall into a trap of only pushing products and sales. The most successful fashion companies in social have a well-balanced approach that also takes time to nurture conversations with fans on what the fans find valuable.
    Take a look at the high fashion brand, Tiffanys. They post helpful information about weddings, such as this post.Tiffany's use of ideas for fans. Photo of beautiful wedding cake
  3. Strategic Use of Sales / Promos: It's all about planning and timing to create a perfect pitch for your fans and push them to purchase. Strategically plan your sales posts/tweets around your fans' lives and interests (summer, school, season changes), and employ visual creativity. The Kit Kat brand often employs clever ways of displaying their product with holiday periods such as this post for St Patrick's Day.
    Kit Kat uses imagery of St patricks day with their product