Examples of Poor Web Design Using Real Life

Last Updated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 by Philippa Crick

Using a series of clever videos, Google Analytics shows examples of poor web design — but in real life.
It’s important to ensure your website is easy to use - your potential customers should be able to find what they need on the 'digital shelf' as easily as in real life. However, many sites leave visitors frustrated and consequently they leave. By understanding the process better, you will see where and why you’re losing customers and be able to improve your online shopping experience.

How can it be so challenging to find milk? Are you making it difficult for users to browse or search your site by the way you categorise your products?In this clip, poor search is illustrated by customer Oli's difficulty in finding semi-skimmed milk.

Tip to Help Avoid Search Issues:
Provide a search box on your site and track how people use it can provide you important insights into visitor intent. A search box is a goldmine of information for you the site owner, because each time visitors search your site, they tell you in their own words what they are looking for. Read more >

What happens when visitors check out from your online buying process?
This is a great example of the importance of having a simple, easy to use checkout process on your website.